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ANATOMIA ...proprio quel minuto tagliamento, che si fa delle membra de' corpi umani da' medici, per veder la compositura interna di essi corpi: e quegli, che esercita cotale arte, e detto NOTOMISTA. Qui per simil. Lat. anatomia dissectio
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 How you can Test an LED Circuit Component

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How you can Test an LED Circuit Component Empty
MessaggioTitolo: How you can Test an LED Circuit Component   How you can Test an LED Circuit Component Icon_minitimeLun Nov 28, 2011 7:02 am

Testing an easy giving off diode (LED) circuit component is simple. The important thing to learning how to test an LED is understanding it has polarity. Which means that an LED should be connected inside a particular orientation inside a circuit a LED enables current to visit in just one direction and it is known to as "diode prejudice." Calculating the resistance between your leads of the LED having a digital multimeter signifies whether a LED lamp is bad or good, and it is polarity( if it's not broken).


Connect the red-colored (positive) multimeter result in the volt-ohm-milliampere jack around the multimeter.


Connect the black (negative) multimeter result in the COM jack around the multimeter.


Remove energy in the circuit and disconnect among the LED leads.|LED DownLight


Attach the red-colored result in the disconnected LED lead. Attach the black result in the remaining LED lead.


Turn the multimeter selector knob towards the cheapest ohmic setting and note the display reading through. Turn back multimeter lead connections towards the LED leads and note the display reading through.


An electronic multiimeter could be broken while testing an element when the circuit is on.

If the foremost and second blood pressure measurements are low and correspondingly, this is actually the normal forward prejudice (orientation) from the LED which is in good shape.|10W LED DownLight

If the foremost and second blood pressure measurements are everywhere correspondingly, this is actually the reverse prejudice from the LED which is in good shape.

If the foremost and second blood pressure measurements are generally both high, or both low, the LED is broken and should be changed.
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How you can Test an LED Circuit Component
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